General Questions

How much does shipping cost?

Shipping costs varies and depends on the location, we offer various shipping methods that are priced differently depending upon a variety of factors. Before checking out you can see what your shipping costs would be by going to your cart and adding your address to the order. At the checkout page before you enter your payment information it will lay out your options and pricing. For more information regarding thiis, please view our Shipping Policy.


How long will it take for my order to ship?

Processing times for orders are approximately 24-48 hours. Orders are processed Monday through Fridays from 9 am to 3 pm. Shipping times are determined by the courier and once a order has been processed and scanned from our warehouse, you will receive an estimated delivery date provided once tracking is available. 

Do you provide returns/exchanges?

We are willing to accommodate our customers as much as we can but as of right now there will not be any returns or exchanges, all sales are final.

Do you offer international shipping?

Yes! We do offer international shipping! We have various USPS and DHL international shipping methods available at checkout. Keep in mind that the time it takes to receive your package will depend on your customs office and clearance of your package.


May I pickup my item(s) that I've purchased?

Unfortunately at this time, pick up is not an option.